Columbia Box Handle Parts

Columbia Box Handle Parts

CHXL Extendable Handle Parts

CHXL Extendable Handle Parts

Columbia Matrix Handle Parts

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Grouped product items
No. Item No.Product Name PriceQty
£7.19 £5.99
2 FA2568-32 x 3/16" Binder Slot
£1.20 £1.00
3 HH8Aluminium Handle Tube
£44.56 £37.13
5 MH10Matrix Handle Octagon
£56.39 £46.99
6 MH9ABrake Activation Rod
£9.59 £7.99
7 FA2376-32 x 3/16" Binder Slot
£1.20 £1.00
8 FA229#6 Lock Washer
£1.20 £1.00
9 MH9Internal Housing Rod
£23.99 £19.99
Out of stock
10 FA383Hex Nut For Matrix Handle
£1.91 £1.59
Out of stock
11 FA319Matrix Head Connecting Hex Bolt
£2.39 £1.99
Out of stock
12 MH5Connecting Link Pin
£4.79 £3.99
13 MH6Hinge Pin for Matrix Handle
£9.59 £7.99
14 FA38210-32 x 1/4" SS Set Screw
£3.54 £2.95
16 MH13Large Nyliner Bushing
£2.99 £2.49
15 FA2588-32 x 1/4" Half Dog Set
£1.80 £1.50
17 MH1Handle Mount Plate
£95.99 £79.99
18 MH20Small Nyliner Bushing
£1.55 £1.29
19 MH7Connecting Link Fork
£80.39 £66.99
Out of stock
20 MH14Matrix Handle Fork Pin
£14.39 £11.99
Out of stock
21 MH8Brake Rod Bushing
£14.39 £11.99
Out of stock
22 MH2Matrix Handle Head
£29.99 £24.99
Out of stock
23 HH31Release Pin
£18.76 £15.63
24 HH30Extension Release Trigger
£23.44 £19.53
25 FA317Matrix 5/32" x 7/8" Roll Pin
£16.74 £13.95
27 HH32Release Pin Housing
£31.54 £26.28
28 HH5Extension Housing
£35.16 £29.30
35 MH21Matrix Grip Adjuster Housing
£11.99 £9.99
32 HH33Release Trigger Spring
£31.54 £26.28
33 MH4Matrix Handle Grip
£53.99 £44.99
Out of stock
34 MH23Matrix Grip Adjusting Fastener
£16.79 £13.99
36 MH22Grip Adjustment Pin
£16.79 £13.99
37 FA3653/16 x 1" Sping Pin SS
£3.59 £2.99
38 MH11 Handle Grip Bushing
£7.19 £5.99
39 MH3Matrix Lower Mount Bracket
£44.39 £36.99
Out of stock
40 MH3AMounting Bracket Stem
£33.59 £27.99
41 FA3768-32 x 5/16 SS Socket Head
£1.43 £1.19
42 FA379Matrix 1/4" SS E-Clip
£3.59 £2.99
43 FA380Matrix 1/8" SS E-Clip
£1.91 £1.59
44 MH15Pinch Brake Activator
£29.99 £24.99
45 MH16Connecting Rod Housing
£10.79 £8.99
46 MH12 PinchBrake Spring
£4.79 £3.99
47 MH19Pinch Brake Sleeve
£10.79 £8.99
48 MH18Pinch Brake Housing
£21.59 £17.99
49 MH17Pinch Brake
£28.79 £23.99
Out of stock
50 MH24Pinch Brake Bushing
£15.59 £12.99
51 MH25 Pinch Brake Stem
£16.19 £13.49